Gustav CorpasDecentralized Graph Databases: Optimizing Relationships with Intermediate NodesExploring best practices for (gunDB) graph databases — Leverage numerous intermediate nodes in your graph database structures.Nov 1, 2023Nov 1, 2023
Gustav CorpasGUN — Decentralized database. Five things I wish I had knownGunDB is a really cool decentralized, streaming database. It’s super fun to play around with but can be frustrating. This may help.Nov 6, 2023Nov 6, 2023
Gustav CorpasDecentralized Databases: The Power of Layered ComputationRecently I have been thinking about establishing my own best practices when working with decentralized databases. While this endeavor is…Nov 15, 2023Nov 15, 2023
Gustav CorpasGUN — primary keys in decentralized databasesThis is a short article on how to translate the concept of primary keys from classical relational databasesystems like MySQL, into…Jan 4, 2024Jan 4, 2024